Ана Алексић Мирић

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The companies today are under constant pressure to learn continuously and to apply innovations in doing business. Technical tools and work technology are changing almost on a daily basis and unless a company adapts to these, it can easily fail to update its way of functioning and the delay can prove to be quite difficult to overcome. At the same time, the increasing role of intellectual capital as an economic resource affirms the need for a deeper understanding of the way in which intra and inter organizational learning occurs, of the mechanisms which can enhance learning and the forms it can take, as well as the ways in which it can be transferred. Organizational learning and knowledge management are relatively new concepts in the theory of organization; thus, they are areas of great debates. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the development of different concepts of organizational learning and knowledge respecting their complexity, to provide a summary analysis that represents the basis for the learning and knowledge in organizations and to indicate the potential ways of future research in response to the dynamics of the development of business practice and the research needs of organizational science.


organisational learning, organisational knowledge, knowledge management, levels of learning, learning process.

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