Danijela Avramović, Dragan Spasić

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Climate change has acquired a status of a global issue in the second half of the 20th century, nowadays becoming more and more prominent. The negative effects of climate change as manifested through natural disasters are noticeable the most in forest stands and forest ecosystems. This study covers the period from 2008 to 2017, and the data included was collected from official statistical reports. The data on the following categories was collected: average annual air temperature, average annual precipitation, average annual relative air humidity, the number of disaster events, such as insect activity, plant diseases, wildfires, or climate and geological disasters, causing damage in state forests, and the scope of such damage. The aim of this paper is to analyze the said data and to use the results to determine the influence of observed climatic elements on the incidence of damage, the scope of damage, and the damage per one disaster event in Serbian state forests. This paper is significant because it represents a pioneering attempt to synthesize the influence of temperature, precipitation, and humidity on the incidence and scope of damage in state forests resulting from insect activity, plant diseases, geophysical events, and wildfires in Serbia (excluding the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija). A non-linear dependence of the influence of climate factors on damage incidence and scope has been determined.


temperature, precipitation, humidity, damage, forests

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