Jelena Maksimović, Danijela Stojanović, Jelena Osmanović

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The aim of the action research conducted is focused on professional training and creating a favorable climate in the classroom for the development of each student. The paper emphasises how important and efficient action researches are in improving teachers’ reflective practice, as well as in providing support for its practical application. The research presented in this paper involved four stages of action research: teachers’ training, creation and realization of activities, evaluation of teachers and students and of the complete programme, as well. The formative evaluation was done by means of the questionnaire for the assessment of the accomplishments of workshop activities and interview conducted with the teachers after each of the activity was completed. The summation evaluation was done by means of the questionnaire for the assessment of the initial knowledge of the students and the ultimate knowledge they acquired regarding types and forms of violence, and reacting to and reporting peer violence. Finally, third questionnaire was used for the self-assessment of the teachers’ practice. The workshop activities included: active methods, the method of experiential learning, cooperative and problem method. The activities were realized through simultaneous individual activities, work in small groups, group discussions, talking circles and frontal forms of work. The results obtained showed positive changes among teachers regarding the acquisition of knowledge related to the preventive measures against peer violence. With regard to the students, the observed changes were related to their expansion of knowledge about violence, improvement of their mutual cooperation and higher level of tolerance in resolving conflicts. 


action research, evaluation, teachers and students, prevention of violence, reflective practice.

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