Ivana Dimić, Miroslav Ž. Krstić

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The aim of the paper is to get acquainted with theoretical and empirical knowledge about the theory of mind in children of neurotypical development and children with the autism spectrum disorder, to get informed with the stages and levels of development of the theory of mind and the differences in the theory of mind of children of neurotypical development and children with the autism spectrum disorder. The paper will also tackle the influence of social environment and demographic traits of children on the theory of mind.

The practical contribution of this paper reflects in the adaptation of the instruments used to evaluate the theory of mind. Considering the obvious lack of such research instruments in Serbian, the next steps would entail its standardization since the instrument can also be used for individual evaluation of the development level of both neurotypical and autistic children. Furthermore, the practical contribution of the study is expressed through the insight it provides in the profile of the theory of mind in children on the autism spectrum, which in clinical practice helps to distinguish this group of disorders with its particularities and to guide the psychological and defectological treatment and advisory work with parents in order to improve the children’s socio-cognitive functions.


theory of mind, neurotypical children, children on the autism spectrum, socio-demographic characteristics

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