Радмила Миловановић, Марковић Б. Зорица

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Assertiveness is the aspect of social competencies which is related to social adaptation, academic and professional achievement and social status but also to the problems of loneliness, anxiety and depressiveness. Since assertiveness and absence of depressive tendencies are important issues in professional competencies of teachers, pre-school teachers, medical doctors and medical technicians, this research was aimed at examining assertiveness and the presence of depressive personality traits in the students of the mentioned orientations. The total sample consisted of 521 subjects (162 students of the Faculty of Education of the UKG, 163 students Faculty of Teacher Education in Užice, 98 students of the Medical College in Ćuprija, 72 students of the Faculty of Medicine science in Kragujevac and 53 students Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade). Assertiveness was measured using the Scale for the assessment of assertiveness (A Scale) by Tovilović and associates, while depressiveness was examined by the Scale for the assessment of depressive personality (DP Scale) by Novović and associates. The results show that the highest percentage of students belongs to the category of average assertiveness and moderate depressiveness. No significant difference was found between the students of medical orientation and students of pedagogical orientation in relation to assertiveness (p=.498) and depressiveness (p=.159). A statistically significant low intensity negative correlation (r= -.287, p=.000) was found between the achievements of students on the assertiveness scale and the depressive personality scale. Despite the fact that the obtained results are encouraging, the percentage of students, prospective teachers and pre-school teachers as well as medical workers, with low and extremely low assertiveness as well as with prominent depressiveness, indicates the necessity for a planned activity towards the development of assertiveness during university studies and the implementation of prevention programs for the protection of mental health of young people during university studies. 


social competencies, assertiveness, depressiveness, professional development of pedagogical and medical workers

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