Maja Vracar, Sladjana Andjelković, Zvezdan Arsić

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Starting from the current role of school in preparing students for life in a socially and culturally diverse world, this paper points out the need to change the paradigm towards an open constructivist curriculum and new learning strategies in the implementation of the concept of interculturality in the school context. Special attention has been devoted to developing intercultural competences of both students and teachers starting from the changes in the school culture, constructivist, contextual and integrated approach in viewing multicultural contents and activities. The paper presents two examples of the implementation of this concept which were created within the second component of the project entitled “The Support to Human Capital Development and Research – General Education and Human Capital Development – Razvionica” in schools in Serbia. The summary provides an outline of the pedagogical measures for supporting intercultural education, including the role of developing the school culture in that process.


intercultural education, contextual approach, integrated approach, constructivist approach, students’ intercultural competences.

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