Ana Nešić, Žolt Lazar

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Transitional changes in economic, political and social contexts have also contributed to the changes within the value framework and religious affiliation. The paper analyzes the results of a survey carried out on the members of political parties concerning their attitudes towards religion and values important in the current social moment in Serbia. For forty years Serbia had been into socialistic system, in which it was not desirable to be religious, so the changes and period of transition that took place largely changed attitudes towards religion. The results indicate an increase in the number of religious people in relation to previous studies, and existence of differences in value judgment among the respondents who identify themselves as religious and those who identify themselves as unbiased and non-religious. Most respondents bind their attitudes to traditional values, not strictly religious, and in behavior, attitudes manifest themselves through religious customs more than beliefs.


religiousness, political orientation, value judgments, attitudes, religion.

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